Information for Authors

1. Aims and Scope

The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS) is an international publication that focuses on control engineering, automation, and systems. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, engineers, and academics to publish their original and innovative works and promote the latest advancements and research in these fields. The editorship team values manuscripts that feature a strong practical motivation and exhibit high-clarity exposition.
The journal covers a wide range of topics that includes the theory and applications in automatic control, as well as theory, application and experimentation of robotics. Additionally, the journal features research on artificial intelligence for engineered systems in the context of control, automation and robotics.

Two types of contributions are regularly considered: Regular Papers and Technical Notes/Correspondence.

  • (1) Regular Papers are expected to be 6 to 10 pages long and present significant research, development, or application in the area within the scope of the journal. An overlength page charge will be applied if a manuscript exceeds eight pages.
  • (2) Technical Notes and Correspondence are expected to be 3 to 5 pages long and usually present preliminary results of current research or extension/comment/corrections on previously published articles in the journal.

2. Conditions of Publication

Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been copyrighted, published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. All submitted manuscripts should be as concise as possible. Longer manuscripts may be considered but have a proportionately lower probability of acceptance.

3. Peer-review

All manuscripts are subject to peer-review by anonymous reviewers selected by Editorial Board. The corresponding author will be notified by the editor of the decision to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript. Once the final revised manuscript is deemed acceptable and conforms to the IJCAS format, it will be scheduled for publication in the next available issue. Rest assured that all manuscripts are treated confidentially during the Peer-review process.

4. Electronic Submission

Manuscripts for the IJCAS can be submitted electronically via our website at We only accept the editable files, and authors should ensure that all fonts needed to print the paper are embedded.

5. Manuscript Preparation

  • (1) Manuscripts must be written in English, and the preferred file format is LaTeX prepared using IJCAS.cls. Other file formats are also accepted as long as the manuscript is typeset in two-column and single-space structure; However, the conversion of the manuscript to the IJCAS format may result in one to three months in the printing process.
  • (2) Authors of accepted manuscripts will be required to provide the final version of their manuscript on the website
  • (3) The preferred formats for graphics are TIF, EPS, and JPG formats. High-contrast line figures should have a resolution of 600 dpi, and color/gray figures should have a resolution of over 300 dpi. The color figures should be clearly visible, even when printed in black and white.
  • (4) Authors should add a brief biography and either clear glossy photographs of the authors or TIF, EPS, and JPG files of the figures on the last page.

6. Manuscript Style

  • (1) First page should include:
    • a) Title of paper, author(s), and affiliation(s);
    • b) Abstract (not exceeding 300 words for Regular Papers or 75 words for Technical Notes and Correspondence, and without equations, references, or footnotes);
    • c) Keywords (at least four keywords or phrases);
    • d) Complete mailing address and e-mail address;
    • e) Preferred address for correspondence and return of proofs; and
    • f) Footnotes (if desired) containing acknowledgement of financial or other support.
  • (2) The introduction should include a statement of the purpose and contribution of the paper.
  • (3) References should be citied within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. The numbered reference citation should be enclosed in brackets, e.g., “KF is proven in [1]. Dorf et al. [2] introduced another method.”
  • (4) References should appear at the end of the paper.
    [1] G. D. Hong, C. H. Dorf, and A. Kim, “Call for papers,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 100-105, January 1999.
    [2] C. H. Dorf, Modern Control Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
    [3] G. D. Hong, “A way to success,” Proc. of American Control Conference, San Diego, pp. 106-110, June 1999.

7. ConfIict of Interest

The authors should ensure that there is no potential conflict of interest possibly influencing the interpretation of data in the paper. Also, the authors with no relevant financial interests or private connections should provide a statement indicating they have no interests related to the material in the manuscript. For example, “The authors declare that there is no competing financial interest or personal relationship that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.”

8. Copyright

It is the policy of the IJCAS to own the copyright to the technical contributions that it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IJCAS, its authors, and their employers and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material to others. Please click to download "Copyright Transfer Form".

9. Page Charge

Page Charge
To make a contribution to defray part of the publication cost, all authors should be charged for publication for new submission from January 1, 2014.

Page Charge and Reprints
Authors should be charged for publication to make a contribution to defray part of the publication cost. A page charge form (USD 300 under 8 pages) is sent to the authors with proofs. Author will receive 1 hard copy of journal only if the reprint charge (USD 100) is honored.

Overlength Page Charge
An overlength page charge is imposed on all papers exceeding 8 pages in length, including illustrations. The charge is USD 100 per page for each page over the first eight.

A page charge is shown for example as follows:
- 6 pages with no reprints: USD 300
- 7 pages with no reprints: USD 300
- 8 pages with no reprints: USD 300
- 9 pages with no reprints: USD 400
- 10 pages with no reprints: USD 500
- 10 pages with reprints: USD 600

February 2025

Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 359~682

Most Registered Keywords ?

What is Most Registered Keywords?

  • It is the most registered keywords listed in IJCAS for 2 years.

Most Viewed

Editorial Office


eISSN 2005-4092
pISSN 1598-6446