Special Issue: ICCAS 2024

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2025; 23(2): 429-440


© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems

Discrete-time (Q, S, R)-α-dissipative Active Braking Controller Synthesis Considering Articulation Angle of Bus-trailer Systems

Rae Cheong Kang, Woo Jin Ahn, Yong Jun Lee*, and Myo Taeg Lim*

Korea University


Bus-trailer systems equipped with fuel cells have emerged as an effective solution to overcome the short driving range of electric buses and the lack of charging infrastructure. However, ensuring the safety of the fuel cell battery in the rear trailer remains a vital challenge. This paper presents a dissipative braking controller synthesis to improve the yaw stability of bus-trailer systems based on the desired articulation angle. Achieving this stability requires that the center of gravity of the rear trailer follow the trajectory of the hinge point, which sets the desired articulation angle. The proposed controller aims to minimize the error between the desired and actual articulation angles. The (Q,S,R)-α-dissipativity provides the control design flexibility by proper adjusting weighting matrices, which covers the passivity, mixed H∞/passivity, and H∞ performance (vertical loads adding). Based on the Lyapunov theory, the desired controller gain is formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated using dSPACE/Simulink co-simulations.

Keywords Articulation angle, bus-trailer system, linear matrix inequality, Lyapunov theory, (Q,S,R)-αdissipativity, tire uncertainty.


Special Issue: ICCAS 2024

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2025; 23(2): 429-440

Published online February 1, 2025 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12555-024-0524-x

Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.

Discrete-time (Q, S, R)-α-dissipative Active Braking Controller Synthesis Considering Articulation Angle of Bus-trailer Systems

Rae Cheong Kang, Woo Jin Ahn, Yong Jun Lee*, and Myo Taeg Lim*

Korea University


Bus-trailer systems equipped with fuel cells have emerged as an effective solution to overcome the short driving range of electric buses and the lack of charging infrastructure. However, ensuring the safety of the fuel cell battery in the rear trailer remains a vital challenge. This paper presents a dissipative braking controller synthesis to improve the yaw stability of bus-trailer systems based on the desired articulation angle. Achieving this stability requires that the center of gravity of the rear trailer follow the trajectory of the hinge point, which sets the desired articulation angle. The proposed controller aims to minimize the error between the desired and actual articulation angles. The (Q,S,R)-α-dissipativity provides the control design flexibility by proper adjusting weighting matrices, which covers the passivity, mixed H∞/passivity, and H∞ performance (vertical loads adding). Based on the Lyapunov theory, the desired controller gain is formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated using dSPACE/Simulink co-simulations.

Keywords: Articulation angle, bus-trailer system, linear matrix inequality, Lyapunov theory, (Q,S,R)-αdissipativity, tire uncertainty.

February 2025

Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 359~682

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pISSN 1598-6446