Special Issue: ICCAS 2024

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2025; 23(2): 600-610


© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems

Static Output Feedback H∞ Control for Discrete-time Singular Systems With Structure Constraints

Dongyeop Kang and Chan-eun Park*

Kyungpook National University


This paper deals with the design of static output feedback (SOF) H∞ controller for discrete-time singular systems. The design procedure of the SOF H∞ controller without structure constraints is first proposed and then extended to the case with structure constraints where certain elements of the control gain matrix are zero. First, the extended state feedback (ESF) controller is defined and the condition for obtaining the ESF H∞ control gain is presented. Then, the initial SOF H∞ control gain is computed by utilizing the derived ESF control gain, and the H∞ performance of the obtained result is improved through iterative optimization to obtain the final controller. The iterative optimization process results in the improved SOF gain matrix for the controller, which can produce less conservative results compared to existing methods. Based on the proposed design procedure, a solution to the design problem with controller structure constraints is also provided. Numerical examples of SOF H∞ controllers both with and without structure constraints are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Keywords Robust control, singular systems, static output feedback, structure constraints.


Special Issue: ICCAS 2024

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2025; 23(2): 600-610

Published online February 1, 2025 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12555-024-0466-3

Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.

Static Output Feedback H∞ Control for Discrete-time Singular Systems With Structure Constraints

Dongyeop Kang and Chan-eun Park*

Kyungpook National University


This paper deals with the design of static output feedback (SOF) H∞ controller for discrete-time singular systems. The design procedure of the SOF H∞ controller without structure constraints is first proposed and then extended to the case with structure constraints where certain elements of the control gain matrix are zero. First, the extended state feedback (ESF) controller is defined and the condition for obtaining the ESF H∞ control gain is presented. Then, the initial SOF H∞ control gain is computed by utilizing the derived ESF control gain, and the H∞ performance of the obtained result is improved through iterative optimization to obtain the final controller. The iterative optimization process results in the improved SOF gain matrix for the controller, which can produce less conservative results compared to existing methods. Based on the proposed design procedure, a solution to the design problem with controller structure constraints is also provided. Numerical examples of SOF H∞ controllers both with and without structure constraints are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Keywords: Robust control, singular systems, static output feedback, structure constraints.

February 2025

Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 359~682

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