International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2023; 21(8): 2431-2443
© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
This paper proposes the Koopman operator-based model identification and control method for a lanekeeping system. The Koopman operator is a linear mapping that can capture nonlinear dynamics but lies in an infinite-dimensional space. Thus, we adopted the extended dynamic mode decomposition (EDMD) to approximate the Koopman operator in a finite-dimensional space. Then, we designed a linear structure to express the nonlinear motion of full vehicle dynamics using the advantage of the Koopman approach. In the Koopman operator-based model identification, selecting the basis function for lifting the state is crucial, but how systematically to choose the basis functions is an open problem. Thus, in this study, we made a comparative study among the typical basis functions. In addition, we applied signal normalization to mitigate the potential problem of the EDMD approach. Furthermore, this paper used the approximated Koopman operator to design the optimal control as a linear structure for the underlying nonlinear vehicle model. Finally, we confirmed that the closed-loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded with the proposed controller. A full vehicle dynamic simulator, CarSim, obtains the data for calculating the Koopman operator. The comparative study confirmed that the position error of the proposed method was reduced by 36% compared with other methods.
Keywords Data-driven control, Koopman operator, model identification, vehicle control.
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2023; 21(8): 2431-2443
Published online August 1, 2023
Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.
Jin Sung Kim, Ying Shuai Quan, and Chung Choo Chung*
Hanyang University
This paper proposes the Koopman operator-based model identification and control method for a lanekeeping system. The Koopman operator is a linear mapping that can capture nonlinear dynamics but lies in an infinite-dimensional space. Thus, we adopted the extended dynamic mode decomposition (EDMD) to approximate the Koopman operator in a finite-dimensional space. Then, we designed a linear structure to express the nonlinear motion of full vehicle dynamics using the advantage of the Koopman approach. In the Koopman operator-based model identification, selecting the basis function for lifting the state is crucial, but how systematically to choose the basis functions is an open problem. Thus, in this study, we made a comparative study among the typical basis functions. In addition, we applied signal normalization to mitigate the potential problem of the EDMD approach. Furthermore, this paper used the approximated Koopman operator to design the optimal control as a linear structure for the underlying nonlinear vehicle model. Finally, we confirmed that the closed-loop system is uniformly ultimately bounded with the proposed controller. A full vehicle dynamic simulator, CarSim, obtains the data for calculating the Koopman operator. The comparative study confirmed that the position error of the proposed method was reduced by 36% compared with other methods.
Keywords: Data-driven control, Koopman operator, model identification, vehicle control.
Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 359~682
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