International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2009; 7(3): 429-435
Published online May 30, 2009
© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
This paper presents a sliding mode control method for wheeled mobile robots. Because of the nonlinear and nonholonomic properties, it is difficult to establish an appropriate model of the mobile robot system for trajectory tracking. A robust control law which is called sliding mode control is proposed for asymptotically stabilizing the mobile robot to a desired trajectory. The posture of the mo-bile robot (including the position and heading direction) is presented and the kinematics equations are established in the two-dimensional coordinates. According to the kinematics equations, the controller is designed to find an acceptable control law so that the tracking error will approximate 0 as the time ap-proaches infinity with an initial error. The RFID sensor space is used to estimate the real posture of the mobile robot. Simulation and experiment demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed system for robust tracking of mobile robots.
Keywords Mobile robot, RFID sensor space, sliding mode, trajectory tracking.
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2009; 7(3): 429-435
Published online June 1, 2009
Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.
Jun Ho Lee, Cong Lin, Hoon Lim, and Jang Myung Lee*
Pusan National University, Korea
This paper presents a sliding mode control method for wheeled mobile robots. Because of the nonlinear and nonholonomic properties, it is difficult to establish an appropriate model of the mobile robot system for trajectory tracking. A robust control law which is called sliding mode control is proposed for asymptotically stabilizing the mobile robot to a desired trajectory. The posture of the mo-bile robot (including the position and heading direction) is presented and the kinematics equations are established in the two-dimensional coordinates. According to the kinematics equations, the controller is designed to find an acceptable control law so that the tracking error will approximate 0 as the time ap-proaches infinity with an initial error. The RFID sensor space is used to estimate the real posture of the mobile robot. Simulation and experiment demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed system for robust tracking of mobile robots.
Keywords: Mobile robot, RFID sensor space, sliding mode, trajectory tracking.
Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 2673~2953
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