International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2017; 15(1): 205-211
Published online December 23, 2016
© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
This article is devoted to the adaptive consensus control for directed networks of Euler-Lagrange systems with both unknown parametric uncertainties and bounded external disturbances. In particular, an adaptive protocol with simple distributed updating laws is proposed by combining the disturbance compensator technique, and the performance analysis is given to demonstrate that the states of all disturbed Euler-Lagrange systems can converge to consensus. A numerical example is included to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed protocol and validate the theoretical results.
Keywords Adaptive control, consensus, Euler-Lagrange system, external disturbance, parametric uncertainty.
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2017; 15(1): 205-211
Published online February 1, 2017
Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.
Yang Liu* and Yingmin Jia
Beihang University
This article is devoted to the adaptive consensus control for directed networks of Euler-Lagrange systems with both unknown parametric uncertainties and bounded external disturbances. In particular, an adaptive protocol with simple distributed updating laws is proposed by combining the disturbance compensator technique, and the performance analysis is given to demonstrate that the states of all disturbed Euler-Lagrange systems can converge to consensus. A numerical example is included to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed protocol and validate the theoretical results.
Keywords: Adaptive control, consensus, Euler-Lagrange system, external disturbance, parametric uncertainty.
Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1~88
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