Regular Papers

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2006; 4(4): 428-437

© The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems

Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Multiple Parameter Models

Choon-Young Lee

Kyungpook National University, Korea


Many physical systems are hybrid in the sense that they have continuous behaviors and discrete phenomena. In control system with multiple models, switching strategy and stability of the closed-loop system under switching are very important issues. In this paper, a novel adaptive control scheme based on multiple parameter models is proposed to cope with a change in parameters. Switching strategy guarantees the non-increase in the global control Lyapunov function if the estimation of Lyapunov function value converges. Least-square estimation is used to find the estimated value of the Lyapunov function. Switching and adaptation law guarantees the stability of closed-loop system in the sense of Lyapunov. Simulation results on anti-lock brake system are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller in view of a large change in system parameters.

Keywords Adaptive control, anti-lock bake system, multiple model, stability.


Regular Papers

International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 2006; 4(4): 428-437

Published online August 1, 2006

Copyright © The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems.

Adaptive Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using Multiple Parameter Models

Choon-Young Lee

Kyungpook National University, Korea


Many physical systems are hybrid in the sense that they have continuous behaviors and discrete phenomena. In control system with multiple models, switching strategy and stability of the closed-loop system under switching are very important issues. In this paper, a novel adaptive control scheme based on multiple parameter models is proposed to cope with a change in parameters. Switching strategy guarantees the non-increase in the global control Lyapunov function if the estimation of Lyapunov function value converges. Least-square estimation is used to find the estimated value of the Lyapunov function. Switching and adaptation law guarantees the stability of closed-loop system in the sense of Lyapunov. Simulation results on anti-lock brake system are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller in view of a large change in system parameters.

Keywords: Adaptive control, anti-lock bake system, multiple model, stability.

February 2025

Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 359~682

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